Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Solstice Sluicing

The Solstice for Winter has passed with an incredible Eclipse

Our Spirit School has also passed an Eclipse:
Student and Teacher reached Mutual Understandings:

We are here at this moment in time to Immerse ourselves in the Creation of our Present Lives and lay stones to step upon as we Create our Futures

An amazing mother is teaching this mother how to create an incredible pallet of the next generation of mother.....

This means:
A Classical Education
Memorizing the Multiplication Tables and other non-changing facts
Cultural Immersion in the Heritage of Ourselves
Open Minds in Appreciation towards Change

Celebrating Blessings
Count Imperfect Attempts as Invaluable Learning Opportunities

Follow Yoga Sutra #33 in The Second Book:
By Cultivating Attitudes of Friendliness toward the Happy,
Compassion for the Unhappy,
Delight in the Virtuous,
And Disregard toward the Wicked,
The Mind-stuff retains it's Undisturbed Calmness.
