Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cool Transitions

It is the Time of Transitions
One Month and Season is Sliding into the next and our bodies and minds are grasping to Hold On-
Hold On to the lessons of Winter and Pounding Cold Realities
Hold On to the Excitement and Hopeful Anticipation of New Horizons
Hold On to the Essence of our Very Spirit and Breath

From this Chrysillis We Emerge Fresh, New, Rebirthed and Stronger

Let Go
of Fear, Anticipation and Ego

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stretching Out Our Intentions Into Reaity

It is difficult to be on a journey with someone and realize their trip is different from yours in every way except the scenery.

Frustration from their journey overflows and tries to seep into this trip:
We cannot solve their problems only observe how they attempt to overcome them.

This is how we observe who they really area their core.

Is it blame or prayer they reach for?


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today we explored a feared space- A School... The last one we experienced made me feel excluded/ pointed at/ talked about/ separated......Bullies were everywhere- teachers and students ( see:friends). My parents tried to make me find ways to fit in before...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Time For Healing and Growth:Greece and Today

An illness has allowed schooling to take on it's true nature- it must come from the desires of the student to learn. A Yearning for Learning! As I was unable to do much but give one assignment while I rested, my student found that inner nature quickly forgets it's assigned task and is dragged off path by the childish whims of whatever grabs its attention first.
This is EXACTLY What the Greeks of Antiquity found... Given the right motivation the everyday person could have Self-Rule, Self-Responsibility and Self-Government!
We also learned That By Focusing Our Light We Can Do Perhaps One Spectacular Thing Instead of Many So Many Good Intentions That Were Never Finished and Will Just End Up In A Mess.
Last night we changed our sleeping arrangements for more self-responsibility. This morning we woke up gently and, following some relaxed reading, took on self-rule as we progressed through morning grooming and breakfast finally ending up here- Blogging about self-governance coming from a Willing, Bright and Focused Spirit!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yes- I DO meditate twice daily if not more- YES my yoga is the real deal- all eight paths. Ahimsa means NOT HARMING, Love is a ways of telling others it's not your thing, Service IS a Part of LIFE without sacrificing yourself or your ideals, creativity without harming others is THE GREATEST GIFT GIVEN TO HUMANS... Self- Righteous People Try To Get To The Individual Through Their Weakest Heartstring.... Nobody has the right to say their GOD Excluded others... I am blessed for your choice but-not by your methods... Assemble With God- Don't Exclude HIS People

Blessed are the children for they hold the knowledge from whence they just arrived
Greek Antiquities Come To Life

How do I stop the process... I don't. Following is often harder for a parent used to leading and guiding the child.

As I see I am still the only one following this post, I understand! And I am grateful for this- let me be led.....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcoming Turkish Valentines

Today we entered the realm of joining others on the similar path we have chosen and even found someone who shared my past educational and social experiences! The universe is so intriguing as it brings us within each others neighborhoods many times but let's us choose when to slow down enough to recognize each other!
The children and adults recognized us immediately as we walked into the building. The smiles and inquiries were warm and genuine, the conversation flowed in all directions, and the instruction was as much for my well being as for my child's . As Valentine Treat Bags were discovered, a winsome child of mine searched to find there was none tagged for her. A beautful soul saw this distress and quickly called in another loving soul to remedy this- LIKE MAGIC, An aptly Labeled bag appeared complete with Valentines, scented pencils and sweets!
This is the TRUE SCHOOL OF LIFE! The Valentines Day Spirit is inrechingout to another soul and welcoming it- and finding ways to extend that welcome until all who wsh feel as part of the whole!
Thank you all for the Best Valentine's Gift Imaginable: Acceptance!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Colors of Amber

On the warm and sunny Island of St. Thomas,
at the top of the 99 steps
resides the Waterfall of ten thousand stones of Amber
which is akin to experiencing the tears of joy angels shed
as the light of a new creature comes into being

One touch will change one's vision from eye-seeing to all-seeing
none of the stones are less than exquisite
unique in the process and from the same
water does not wash over them
it is blessed by them
as are those who are open to their smooth touch

Magical Kingdoms By The Sea- The Waltz of Freedom

Today the girls created a magical kingdom by the Sea from treasures washed up and spread around by the snow, wind and waves of the past weeks crazy weather train! They decided to "Run Away"- not from their families but from the confines of how children are expected to behave in this society.

The reality s that they were "Running Towards" - not away.... they ran towards the realization of their imaginations coming t life as they foraged, created, discovered, problem solved and celebrated the whole time! So intrigued were they that even the many seagulls stopped their praying into the winds and began watching this birth of the New Kingdom!

A piece of wood became their table balanced (eventually) on four pieces of drift wood planted in the sand. Another became the tool for harvesting herbs and food. A discarded black knit scarf was a royal banner first draping the royal table, next waving like a standard calling her fellow courtier back to the castle grounds!

The sun was behind us as we mere adults observed this mystical process form before us. The winter ocean was their background as these amazing children of light responded to their hearts. Dancing in love and joy of being on this earth we realized our daughter's souls had been freed and even rescued from certain censure and oppression. They danced the waltz of freedom they realized they have regained!

I have been blessed to be allowed to hear the music and rejoice as they dance in their Magical Kingdom by the Sea!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chakra Colors and The Rainbow

Roy G. Biv


Yogi Child's Spirit School

We are starting a new adventure which returns us to our original goal-
How do we raise an artistic, intelligent child without succumbing to the standardization of current societal norms?

There is more information available each day than than ever before and yet the information taught to our child has been less than general knowledge on any number of subjects due to time, resource and test limitations.

We have decided to take away those limitations and live what we have been taught:

Life is a learning process.

Let the learning begin!!!

What a joy to find that teaching can be done through a fuller life experience and there are others who support and inform us so it is done in an accepted manner.
Thank you to each who have made this an easy transition!
You have brought joy and peace into our experience.

Time tables have been replaced with projects and travel, exploration and discovery.
Study immersion in the spirit and the earth are our focus today-Chakra colors have created a beautiful prism which we will frame and hang on our wall.
Yesterday a painting of an interpretation of the Amber Waterfall on St. Thomas came into being- showcased next to the photographs:
Multimedia at an early age!

This week we are exploring family colonial life and visiting Colonial Williamsburg to walk in their footsteps.
We learned today that 'public' schools were only available to some slave and Native American boys, not to any girls and not to free white children until much later than revolutionary times.
As we explore the history of education we gain education.
And it's only lunchtime!

Spiritual enlightenment comes through acceptance and practicing ahimsa (non-harming).
This starts with ourselves.