Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yogi Child's Spirit School

We are starting a new adventure which returns us to our original goal-
How do we raise an artistic, intelligent child without succumbing to the standardization of current societal norms?

There is more information available each day than than ever before and yet the information taught to our child has been less than general knowledge on any number of subjects due to time, resource and test limitations.

We have decided to take away those limitations and live what we have been taught:

Life is a learning process.

Let the learning begin!!!

What a joy to find that teaching can be done through a fuller life experience and there are others who support and inform us so it is done in an accepted manner.
Thank you to each who have made this an easy transition!
You have brought joy and peace into our experience.

Time tables have been replaced with projects and travel, exploration and discovery.
Study immersion in the spirit and the earth are our focus today-Chakra colors have created a beautiful prism which we will frame and hang on our wall.
Yesterday a painting of an interpretation of the Amber Waterfall on St. Thomas came into being- showcased next to the photographs:
Multimedia at an early age!

This week we are exploring family colonial life and visiting Colonial Williamsburg to walk in their footsteps.
We learned today that 'public' schools were only available to some slave and Native American boys, not to any girls and not to free white children until much later than revolutionary times.
As we explore the history of education we gain education.
And it's only lunchtime!

Spiritual enlightenment comes through acceptance and practicing ahimsa (non-harming).
This starts with ourselves.

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